Ms. Candace Eastman
Candace B. Eastman is the Chief Executive Officer of Africabio Enterprises.
Ms. Candace B. Eastman has 22 years of work experience in the life sciences industry that
includes economic development, financial analysis, revenue generation, strategic planning, and strategic positioning in both corporate and non-profit environments.
More recent years have afforded Ms. Eastman the opportunity to work with the Government of
Liberia. As the Director of the National Diagnostic Unit of the Ministry of Health and Social
Welfare (MOHSW) she laid the groundwork for the development of an integrated clinical
laboratory system and developed the first National Laboratory Strategy and National
Laboratory Policy. She was appointed as Deputy Minister of Commerce and Industry and has
been successful in the creation of the National Export Strategy, National trade Policy and
working with industries and partners to improve the environment of Commerce to thrive through trade facilitation and mainstreaming.
Ms. Eastman has a range of experience in business development from working with the largest trade organization in the U.S in the biotech industry to directing business development for a top 50-law firm. With a foundation rooted in diagnostics and molecular biology her success in management spans a diverse group of companies and organizations.
HFL Roles & Responsibilities
- Ensure compliance with the issuance of all notices of meetings and supporting materials
- Keep the minutes of the board meetings.
- To see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of the constitution.
- Ensuring the board's actions are in line with legal requirements and the organization's constitution.
- Keeping the federation’s constitution.
- Creating agendas of board meetings.