
HFL is the unifying body of the private health sector that collaborates with the MOH to improve quality, access, and equity in the healthcare sector in Liberia

About Us

Who we are

About Us

HFL is an organization of businesses and associations working in the private sector healthcare in Liberia. Our members are private institutions representing various fields within the healthcare sector.




Years of Work
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Vision & Mission Statement

Our Vision

HFL is the unifying body of the private health sector that
collaborates with the MOH to improve quality, access, and
equity in the healthcare sector in Liberia.

Our Mission

HFL advocates on behalf of the private health sector facili-
ties, public-private partnerships and maximize opportuni-
ties for efficient cooperation amongst private health sector

Driving Healthcare Forward

Strong Leadership

Our Executive Board

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HFL Board Chair

Dr. Nicole Cooper

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HFL Board Vice Chair

Rev. Kenety Gee

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HFL Board Secretary

Ms. Candace Eastman

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HFL Board Treasurer

Ms. Masmina Sirleaf

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HFL Board Member

Mr. Jomah Kollie